Saturday, December 10, 2011

Monday. Easy climbing at La berruga, sector Siuranella Center. This week vacation for all the Spaniards (they celebrate the end of general Franco, Spain becomes a democracy in 1978 and one of the solemnities of the Roman Catholic Church)

Wednesday 1PM. I climb Gamba gamba (32m, 7B) at Piqui Pugui sector. Derzou tries a classic route, Anabòlica (22m, 8A), bolted in 1987.

Friday. We meet Siurana local Panchi. Derzou recognize him from our last year visit during Christmas holiday. Panchi stays at the Siurana camping all year round, living in a small caravan. He reminds me of Urbanus in the movie Koko Flanel (1990) but in a skinny version. He tells Derzou the funny story about a fox living near the camping that steels people food. One day Panchi stands in his caravan face to face with the fox carrying his untouched French baguette in his mouth.

Saturday 4PM. Prospecting the sector Can Famal, there is a classic 8A route named Fer fum fa mal fal fit in our interest.
On the way we pick almonds.

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